Friday, February 22, 2008

When did Cosmopolitan turn into a dirty rag?
I can't say that I have ever really "read " the thing...I've glanced at it in the past but it's been a long time I guess.
I was at the supermarket and I happened to glance over and the title of one of the articles was:


That's pretty messed up right there.
Then below that:


Come on now.
I don't mean to sound like a prude but I really don't think that is appropriate for the supermarket.
Turbo is a 12 year old boy and that is exactly the kind of stuff that he finds hilarious. I really don't want to have that added to his vocabulary.
I know for a fact he would make every attempt to make "va-jay-jay" the punchline of numerous jokes.
Plus I have a problem with the very premise of the article.
New and interesting facts?
Oh really?
Did they re-invent the vagina since the last time I saw one in person?
Admittedly it has been a bit of a dry spell lately....not a million years mind you ...hey, how long do you think it would take for the vagina to evolve anyway?
Ok, that's not the point.
The point is, I'm pretty damn sure there are no new and interesting facts about that part of the body.
Most doctors/researchers are men. So if I had to rank areas of the body that I think have been pretty thoroughly investigated the vagina would have to be pretty high on the list.
And really? If there was groundbreaking news about the vagina? Would it really be in Cosmo under the title of YOUR VA-JAY-JAY?
Oh, hell no.

You know what? I'm going to have to call bullshit on this one.

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