Friday, February 22, 2008

Craigslist Mumbai India

Just now, out of boredom, I went to Craigslist Mumbai.
I found a listing for a car called the Tata Indica.
There is no picture..but I googled it's just a little 4 door hatch back econobox...but that's just about perfect.
How awesome would that be as a first car for a young guy headed off to college?
In case it hasn't occurred to you yet:
Tata= slang word for tit ( which is a slang word for boob) (which is a slang word for chi-chi ) (which...well you get the point)
Indica= weed

So would you say the perfect college guy car would be a cheap hatchback named the Boobie Greenbud, the Titty Sticky-icky, or maybe the Chi-chis Mota?


Anonymous said...

you need a shrink. you also should do something usefull with your time to stopp that petty mind wandering!

Anonymous said...

which college you went to learn english and slangs...?

Were you high on dope when you wrote this post...

Idiot .. get a life