Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I have a hard time relaxing, but the other day I managed to do it for an hour or so.
I went to Whole Foods (one of my happy places) to have lunch. I have not had much luck lately having lunch there but this time was different.
I had garlic mashed potatoes and chicken cacciatore.
To drink I had 2 shots of espresso, iced with hazelnut syrup. This is a drink that does not allow one to hide bad coffee.
My sister recently wrote a mini-manifesto in defence of Starbucks. Her thesis was that you can go to Starbucks and be assured that no matter where in the world you are you will get a decent cup. I concur...with a caveat.
If you can find a good local haunt that will do you right? Go there instead.
Whole Foods serves up a good cup of espresso. I have a hard earned opinion on these matters. For a few years in college I was a baristo in Portland OR.
You think Seattle knows coffee? PDX thinks Seattle is a punk.
I know my espresso.
So, I drank my coffee, ate my chicken and just .....was.
I think part of this letting go was possible because I did not have my cell phone on me.
More about that next post.


Christina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christina said...

Sorry I had to delete my comment, I had a typo and sounded ignorant.

What I said was that I do support the local guy when he is consistent. I always visit Pikes Perk in COS because it is always good.

Starbucks is like McDonalds. When you are in an airport--don't eat mexican, don't eat chinese--eat McDonalds because you know it is safe. Same with coffee