Sunday, April 6, 2008

So I was sitting here reading blogs and watching Fox Noise and getting comfortably numb.
(I have some booze left over from Saturday night and I really don't want it to spoil so I figured I should drink it)
I started thinking about Ann Coulter...
the reason I started thinking about that skinny bitch is that the "news" anchor was this woman who has a nose job just this side of Michael Jackson in terms of severity. I imagine that it sounds like a referee's whistle when she breathes hard.
Ok, sure, a sink hole hasn't opened up in her face like the King of Homosexual Pedophiles..
(did you know they changed his title from King Of Pop, officially?)
but...this woman's nose looks like the blade on a fucking pocket-knife.
A key-chain pocket knife.
And it somehow made me think of that skinny-skank Ann Coulter.
Then I had a revelation.
She is a performance artist in the style of Andy Kaufman and Sacha Baron Cohen or Tom Green.
Never break character, make people completely uncomfortable with an over the top offensive character.
She can't believe her own rhetoric right?
It's a joke.
I don't think she will ever let us in on this joke, she will take it to the grave...but it's not possible that she is sincere.
It's all theater, it's a goof.
I feel much better now. I still hate that fatass Rush Limbaugh...sure he lost a few pounds, but he is still in his heart: a fat, sad, pathetic loser. And he believes what he says.
Ann Coulter is goofing on us. I gladly ignore her now.

I feel fine.

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