Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good News Bad news

So the bad news is Heath Ledger is dead.
I think he was a pretty decent actor and in terms of him as a person he seemed like less of a douche-bag than your average celebrity.
The good news?
It seems HBO has devoted one of it's channels entirely to Brokeback Mountain.
Hey great!
I have not actually seen the whole movie. However, since HBO has devoted one of it's channels to the movie entirely I have caught random 10-15 minute segments.
I will be honest, I can't force myself to sit down and watch the thing in it's entirety for 3 reasons.
1) I can't tell what the fuck Heath is saying most of the time.
I have read numerous reviews of the film and never once did anybody mention that he sounds like Boomhauer from King Of The Hill.
2) Every time I watch the thing at some point a wrasslin' match busts out. I am just too scared that the wrasslin' is going to lead to sodomy. I am a straight guy, not homophobic, just straight ...and as such I try to scrupulously avoid seeing men have sex with each other.
Hey...It's not like I'm a prude.
I'll be honest, if I was walking down the street and I turned the corner and there were an ugly man and woman doing it?
I'd stop and watch for a minute.
But if it was 2 dudes? I would not stop.
3) the parts of it I have seen seem terribly depressing somehow. I just haven't seen any part of the film where anybody is having any fun...

So, It's too bad that Heath is gone....but do they have to devote an entire channel to making the majority of men in America uncomfortable?
Maybe I should send them an email pointing out he was also in A Knights Tale? I actually kind of liked that movie, it was sort of fun the way they extensively used anachronistic plot you could understand what he was saying...

But, all Brokeback, all the time?
I wish they could quit that.

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