Saturday, January 26, 2008

My sister recently wrote this and I can confirm emphatically that they did try to scare the Jesus into us.
She forgot to mention they also made her scared of Mormons...
(rest assured, she's not scared of them anymore.
I recently confirmed this by yelling "look out! Mit Romney is right behind you!" and she didn't even blink.)
Then today I saw a guy in a Chevy Cavalier (which for those of you that don't know? It's the Ford Pinto of our time.) It had a graphic on the rear window that said "will you be left behind?"
It was accompanied by a stupid ginormous wing and a non-functioning hood scoop.
I thought, "Um, no I am in a Turbo Saab, you will not leave me behind"
But then it occurred to me it was meant in the "Left Behind" sense.
Wow. One day she writes it, and then a guy in a Cavalier lives it.


Anonymous said...

you had to bring up the mormons, didn't you. BASTARD

michael said...

Sorry. I did make sure to point out they don't scare you anymore...besides you're the only one reading this blog so your secret is safe.