Wednesday, March 19, 2008

(actual) good deeds

I sometimes write about my "good deed of the week"
You'll notice this feature doesn't actually happen every week.
That's because my "good deed" is usually me having a perfect opportunity to be a dick to somebody and not taking it.
Clearly a rare event. My sister used to introduce me to her friends thusly: "this is my brother Michael, he's an asshole."

This weeks good deed was an actual good deed.
I was sitting at the intersection nearest my house. It's a complicated affair with freeway on and off ramps, weird angle cross streets and complicated traffic light cycles. Frankly I'm surprised their aren't more accidents.
I notice a guy pushing his car across this intersection by himself. I pause a beat and realize all the people in their cars that are closer to this poor guy than I am are just going to watch.
Including a police officer.
So I jump out and sprint across the intersection and I hit his car running. I'm digging hard to get this guys car moving faster. It takes a moment and then the guy looks back at me with a surprised look on his face.
"what, you thought you suddenly got super strong?"
He laughed, said thanks and I got him over to the shoulder. I turned and sprinted back to my car...and for my good deed the lady behind me at the light gave me an unkind look.
Fuck you lady.
You know what gets me about this? When I lived in Portland or Austin I would not have been the only person to help push the car...but here I live in a town that is so overtly "Christian" and there were at least 8 people closer to the action than me that were looking at their watches wondering how long we would take to get out of their way.
I don't mean to indict Christians, but the odds of at least one of those people being a practicing churchgoer is pretty high, yet not a single person flinched...not even one guy getting out of his car at the last minute going "did you need me to...oh you got it? 'cause I was gonna'...ok cool.."
So... my good deed of the week, I pushed the hell out of some dudes car.

1 comment:

Christina said...

well that was very nice, a good deed indeed.

I have no response to the lack of Christian attitude in Colorado Springs.