Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Who peed in your Cheerios?

Turbo and I were in the supermarket.
(due to my obsession with fresh food I have a lot of stories that happen in a supermarket. bear with me)
He was sitting in the cart and his gaze kept going back to a child about his age sitting in a cart the next line over. The poor kid had enlarged cranium?
Turbo keeps eyeballing this kid and I am praying to all of the Gods combined that the boy keeps his mouth shut...
"hey dad..check out "Mr. Big Brain"!"
Then less than a minute later? a guy comes strolling through the door.
He is wearing an eye patch. Not a cool leather one, but a gauze one indicating recent eye trauma.
Turbo looks at me and proclaims loudly:
"he should be more careful!"
thanks for the humiliation.
when you get engaged? I will tell the cereal defiling story.
at your wedding this story will feature in my toast.

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