Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hey, I hate you And the make believe you

One of the books I'm currently reading is called The Watchman. It's the latest in a series of hard boiled detective novels about this guy Joe Pike.
Pike is your classic tough guy.
Tough, shadowy past, cool red tattooed arrows on his biceps. He probably says a dozen words or less per book. He usually beats up or shoots more people than he utters sentences.
His business partner Elvis Cole does all the talking. He's a cool tough guy also but in the opposite way as Pike. He drives a yellow corvette and refers to himself "The greatest Detective in the world" only half facetiously.
Anyway, I told you all that to tell you this.
Their current case is protecting a girl from ruthless killers out to finish her off. Could be they are sent by a murderous Colombian drug lord....could be from the feds, at this point we don't know.
Here's the thing though....the character is completely styled after Paris Hilton....I find myself hoping Pike will just turn around and shoot her with his Colt Python and be done with it.
Is that bad?
Does it make me a bad person to dislike a "celebrity" so much that I even wish her fictionalized persona would be shot in the face? I just know I'm going to be disappointed because Joe Pike will not falter and whatever the malignant forces aligned against the girl will be dealt with in a lethal fashion.
Too bad.

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