Wednesday, August 1, 2007

are you ready to rock and roll?!

I heard a commercial on the radio today for the state fair.

Apparently the organizers of the state fair are of the opinion that the state fair rocks. I don't know why they think this because I turned the station before they could get to the point where they explain why the state fair rocks.

I only heard about 5 seconds but here is what I think I heard:

"the state fair rocks

it really really rocks

it rocks rocks rocks

it really really rocks"

I had to switch it before the blood started coming out of my ears. This was one of the least rocking songs I've ever heard.

I had a little bit of a flashback.

It's 1985 and I'm a junior in high school. My favorite bands are the Dead Kennedy's, Red Hot Chili Peppers (fuck you. they were a cool local band in 1985) and Suicidal Tendencies

This song comes on the radio that is an affront.

an abomination.

a fart in the face of rock and roll.

"we built this city...

we built this city....

on rock and rolllll"

I almost had a seizure!

This is the least rocking song about 'rocking' EVER!

And to put this in historical perspective? Just the year before Huey Lewis and the news crapped on our chest with "the heart of rock and roll"

How the fuck can you have a song that says you built a city on rock and roll but the song itself is completely devoid of rock?

You want an example of a song about rocking that actually rocks?
"Kick out the jams" by the MC5. That song rocks. It's loud and sweaty and lewd.
From the opening line when Rob Tyner yells out :
"Kick out the jams motherfuckers!"
You just know something good is about to happen.
You know you're about to rock.

I wish Jefferson starship would reunite and change their name back to Jefferson Airplane and then get onstage at some big summer festival type concert and rattle off some rambling diatribe about King George and his War of Terror and then go off on some tangent about trading blood for oil right before they set themselves on fire in protest like a Buddhist monk during the Vietnam war.

That's ok, when I'm president king I will have them shot into space and released. Take that Jefferson 'starship'!

but that's a whole other blog.


Anonymous said...

oooh this made me laugh. this is why I don't listen to the radio anymore.

hey, why am I the only person who comments on your blog??

michael said...

Maybe you're my only reader?

laurie said...

hey, I read them too Michael!!!!
I just about peed my pants, and I'm at work.. that would look really great, a nurse who pee's her pants!

Maybe I should stop reading your blogs at work and work?? (just kidding, I'm working...on myspace...ha ha ha I crack my self up sometimes)

michael said...

so now I have 2 readers! my legion grows...actually somebody named "strawberry shortcake" commented on another blog...3 readers!