Thursday, August 2, 2007

Have you heard about the Cats Of Death?

If you haven't heard about this already, the Grim Reaper has apparently taken on the form of a cat in at least 2 nursing homes
A cat named Oscar living in a nursing home in Providence,RI. has the ability to "predict" when a person is about to die and he comes in and lays down with the soon to be departed to give them "comfort".
Then this other nursing home fires back with their own grim reaper cat. Buckwheat has apparently knocked off....I mean "comforted" about 36 fortunate souls.
In your face Oscar!
Oh and the name of the nursing home in Seattle? Providence Mount St. Vincent.


Ok even if these cats aren't the Grim Reaper. I still think these murderous cats are responsible.
Maybe not the first few....but now that the cat has a "rep"?
Forget about it.
Imagine: You come back from bingo and there is Oscar lying on your quilt purring malevolently.
2 words.
Myocardial Infarction.

If I'm in the nursing home and that Damned Cat starts following me down the hall? Screw that. I'm hitting him with my cane like I'm Tiger Woods at a driving range yelling "not this time motherfucker!!"
then the men in the white coats come and sedate me....
and who is there when I wake up?
"Fuck you buckwheat! I never did nothin' to you!"

I picture the cat going around extorting treats and shit.
"look just give me that can of tuna and I'll get out of your hair. This will not end well for you if you don't cooperate Nana."

That's why if I'm ever in a nursing home I am taking out the cat staight away.

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