Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I had Lunch Today

My friend Shane and I went to La Casita for lunch. Shane is 6 foot 5. I only mention this because I hate when people say I'm a heightist when clearly I'm not. I like Shane because he never asks to borrow my pants.
anyway...I ordered my usual, paid and stepped aside.
Shane stepped up and ordered a #61....
but hold up wait a minute...oh-ho-ho! there is no # 61!
Hilarity ensued, let me tell you...
Actually, she just looked at Shane like he was an idiot. He then proved her suspicions right by not actually knowing what he wanted.
I said, "You idiot, you spent so much time crafting that clever ' I'll have the #61' prank that you don't know what you actually want? You spent the entire time I was at the counter thinking to yourself ' hmmm the #60 is the biggest number...I wonder what number I could order that would bring this process to a grinding halt."

Now, I'm not going to say that there is a link between that and what came next.... but when we got back Shane opened up the first of his containers and it looked like.....
It looked like someone had taken a handful of food, got a running start and leapt into the air and slammed the food into the container.

"what the hell is that?!" I asked.
"I'm not sure" Shane said.
"what did you order?"
"the ' super Mexican' "
"yeah? Looks like it'll go through you super fast. Taste it."
He took a bite...."It's , um, scrambled enchilada?"
"cool, what's in the other box?"
(I have to admit this was turning out to be a pretty enjoyable lunch for me)
It looked like a scoop of beans, a scoop of rice and two tacos had been placed in the box...
and then the lid was closed and the box was shaken like a bad, bad baby.

Yep, all things considered it was a pretty good lunch.

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