Friday, October 5, 2007

I'm Gonna Nutshell It Fo' Ya'...Flava Flav!

Ok it has come to my attention that I may need to clarify my Kantian blog from earlier.
At the expense of sounding extremely contradictory to the assertion that I am deeply interested in further study of Transcendental Idealism?
This is some deep shit.
So, to sum it up? The basic premise is:

Perception Is Reality.

seems pretty simple,
right? but when you dig further into it, expand the application, it can explain so much of the conflict that we experience, on a micro or meta level.
I recently was extremely pissed off at GW Bush. (what's new there 'eh?)
But his perception of the situation is that 3 million or so kids of working parents really don't need to have health insurance...I see it differently...but who knows who is right? That's meta...
But on a micro level, all the time I see people around me getting angry about perceived slights and I wonder why they are so angry...but then I got all pissed off about being carded...
so if you can keep in mind that your perception of things is your reality and somebody Else's perception of the same information is their reality and it will most certainly not be identical to your own...
maybe we can make some room for forgiveness and understanding and stop for a second and think that while I feel certain that I am right and the other person may be just as certain because their reality is anywhere from slightly to radically different from your own but not necessarily wrong..
I guess this is why I have such a problem with oppressive moralists. It drives me nuts to hear any religious leader justify treating people in a fashion that Jesus would not.... the WWJD thing? I wish people really lived that.
I assure you:
Jesus would NOT protest in front of abortion clinics and advocate the murder of doctors.
Jesus would not tell gay people they are not welcome in his church.
Are you picking up what I'm putting down?
I once saw a completely fancy tricked out expensive luxury car with a WWJD sticker on it?
hey, you wonder WWMD?
I put a little note on the car that said "I think Jesus would have bought a completely wonderful Honda Accord and used the rest of the money to help people less fortunate..."
If people of faith, WHATEVER that faith may be?
Muslim, christian, Jewish....what-fucking-ever.
if every last one of them would embrace transcendental idealism.....perception is reality?
if they would say "whatever You perceive the world to be, that is truth....AND I RESPECT THAT"
if we could get that? I would be so sublimely happy.

so that's why I am suddenly a transcendental idealist and fascinated with the idea that this German guy thought of this stuff 230 years gives me a little chill..
any way, stick around. the next one won't be all that about, I tell you about how I made sure I had no shot at all at getting the gorgeous woman's number today at Whole Foods?

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