Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

This year Turbo is going as Random Item the Third.
I'm not totally clear on what that is going to look like, other than to say he will be carrying a random collection of crap.
Not much of a costume as far as I can tell.
BUT. I'm pretty sure it's better than the year his mom dressed him as a "beautiful cloud" and he came this close to turning out gay....
When he lived with me he was a lawyer one year and Calvin Coolidge the next.
the year before those 2 he was the cutest Pikachu you have ever seen... but that was the last year of what I think of as ' explicable costumes'.
Ever-after you have needed an explanation for what the hell he is supposed to be)
Ironically (or not) the lawyer and "Silent Cal" dressed very much the same.
(man, he loved that suit)
When he was Silent Cal he got mistaken for Harry Potter...
hang on, let me drop a little history on you first ....Calvin Coolidge was so nicknamed because as a president he had not much to say, in fact he didn't do much as president. He was the ultimate "small government" president.
He coined the phrase "the business of America is business" one of the most boring catch phrases a president could possibly be known for.

Come on people, let me throw out a few for comparison:
" Read my lips, no new taxes" Bush the first
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton the first
"I'm the decider" Bush the second

Ok, some serious ones?
"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" Franklin D. Roosevelt
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country." JFK
(is that not one of the most awesome quotes ever?)
"It's the economy stupid " William Jefferson Clinton
"speak softly but carry a big stick" Teddy Roosevelt...
BTW, what is it with the Roosevelts?

Turbo is a lawyer and his buddy is a ninja.
We went to McDonald's first and his buddy peed on his nun chucks and I threw them out.
No reason to mention that, other than, a ninja accidentally peeing on his nun chucks is pretty funny.
We get to the first door and the lady cheerfully asks, "what are you two dressed as ?"
Turbo's buddy says
"I'm a ninja..and he's my lawyer"
and Turbo takes one of my cards and slips it to her.
I say "lotta' litigation involved with being a ninja"

all of this is improve.

that was a good year.
we get back to the house and the guys want to trade candy.
This, at best,seems like a powder keg of hurt feelings finger pointing and animosity.
I lay out some ground rules, set up a physical apparatus to trade and walk away.
No fights break out, everything is genial and calm.
They signal they are done and I go look to see how things have panned out.
The only way to describe it is, Turbo's pile was Massive compared to his pal's
I say, "You guys all good with the way it worked out?"
they both affirm it is totally cool and go to play video games.

Later I get turbo alone.
"Hey, your pile is way bigger than your buddies."
"yeah but he has more stuff"
I ask him to explain it to me.
He informs me that he traded all his hard candy, sweet-tarts, gum and suckers at a three to one ratio for chocolate and carmel.
Brilliant. Trade the chaff for the wheat at a 3 to1 ratio and you still come out miles ahead.
That's my boy.

Have they fingered the gene for negotiation skills?

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