Monday, May 19, 2008

Pre Employment Drug Screen

So I go to get a U.A. today and this is an exact transcript of my conversation with the tester:

Her: man you really opened the floodgates didn't you?
Me: I will as soon as you make with the cup.
Her: no, I mean the waiting room was empty until you showed up., seriously can I get that cup, I've been holding it in?

Is it just me or is that a very poor choice of words on her part, considering the circumstances?


Laurie said...

When a bunch of patients come in we usually say 'wow, the bus just let off' or something like that, but we don't say it to the patient...she was probably just an idiot...

michael said...

I guess people feel comfortable saying any old fucking thing to me

Anonymous said...

maybe there is just something about you that attracts craziness. do you exude some sort of odor that only crazy can smell??