Thursday, November 15, 2007

Annoying Commercials

I have a couple in mind right now, mostly because they just ran back to back.
I'll try to do write- ups on others as it comes to me.
One of my curses is that I see between the lines to the true meaning that others don't.
For example.
There is a commercial running right now,
It is for a deodorant that is "prescription strength"
How bad does your armpit funk have to be that you have to go to your doctor?
How does it come to that? Does someone say, "hey dude, use deodorant , OK?"
and you say "I. AM!"
So you head to the doctor, "hey, smell my armpit, does that seem normal? Will my HMO cover that kind of stench?"

The second commercial.

It's the Froot Of The Loom guys.
They are in some kind of conference room (wait, they have meetings?) one of the guys comes in holding a pie.
He says something like "well, we got another apple pie, guess who it's for.."
cut to Apple-guy looking all sheepish....
What are they saying?
Are they telling us the apple is a cannibal?
Are they all kind of pissed about it, like, "damn, why you gotta be a cannibal?"
I say again,


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