Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Anonymous said...

I once went on a date and the guy took me to see the movie "Kids" that little indy film with Chloe Sevingy, she has HIV and spends the whole night looking for the asshole who gave it to her and she winds up getting raped.

That was a romantic evening, though no soda shooting occured.

Tim said...

I went to see the movie "Kingpin" with my wife. It's billed as a comedy, but it's so unfunny, that the entire audience sat in stone silence through the whole thing, pissed off that they had paid to see it. But there was this one scene...

Scheming Character A sneaks in to stupid Character B's room to wake him up and tells him they have to leave, but to do it quietly, so they don't alert the hotel staff. It's dark in the room, and as Character A is sneaking towards the door, he trips over a chair and crashes into a bureau.

"I think I tore my sack," he groans.

Character B cries out (loudly), "Are you OK?"

"What did I just say to you?" demands Character A, irritated by the noise.

"You said you tore your sack," replies Character B.

Well, that did it for me. Maybe I had lowered expectations, but I started to laugh, and couldn't stop. I kept giggling for like 10 minutes, while my wife glared at me for daring to enjoy myself.

michael said...

I didn't include it...but I had a similar response to silence of the lambs..the scene where he screams "put the fucking lotion in the basket!"
I laughed...and couldn't contain my giggles for a good 20 minutes...I could feel every eye in the theater on me...
and thanks for the's like crack knowing that at least SOMEBODY reads my drivel..oh and chrissy, that has to be one of the worst "date" movies're telling me you didn't shoot cola out your nose when she goes nearly comatose and then some asshole jumps on her? have you no funnybone? that movie is a
one-timer. see it once and then move the fuck on. no need to put yourself through that twice.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...the movie Kids, I haven't seen it since.

I do have one good movie story.

Me, Alicia, and these 2 guys go to that movie Jennifer Eight (Uma Thurman is a blind chick). It is the quietest movie ever (right up there with Tom Hanks movie where he gets shipwrecked with the volleyball)

Anyhow it is the quiet scene where Uma is stumbling around in the dark and Alicia has her feet up on the seat in front of her. Alicia sneezes and breaks the loudest fart EVAH. The whole movie theater starts lauging hysterically. It was awesome.

I've never been so happy to be me and not her.

Steve Lawson said...
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Steve Lawson said...

River's Edge! I saw that in the theater, too. Crispin Glover rules. Check out this scene on YouTube.

Tim said...

I don't know if you've heard of Google Analytics, but it's a great way to track who is reading your blog. All you have to do is sign up and put a little snippet of code in your blog template. Whenever someone reads a page in your blog, Google Analytics makes a record and you can check it every day to see where the hits are coming from, and what they're reading. The only thing it WON'T tell you (a huge oversight) is what posts were read by which visitors.

michael said...

Tim, Analytics? got it love it/hate it. I think I have a steady 10 people that read this. I don't know whether to feel depressed that in the entire world 10 people find my shit amusing or glad that at least 10 people think I'm amusing...I do wish it was super specific. Who read what and when and for how long and how often. I would love to know which of my posts people read more than once for example...and thanks for coming back,I promise I'll do more stuff to huniliate myself and then share for the amusement of all

michael said...

Oh! and steve, thanks for reading.
Crispin was in fact awesome in that movie...the only line I can remember of his was something like "this car doesn't run on God's own methane, man!" but he was great in that movie. I used to have his home number...he would never answer but he would leave these weird rambling messages on the machine...I wish I still had that number...

and what the hell does "huniliate" mean? I'm pretty sure I meant humiliate

Anonymous said...

dude I totally want to see you huniulate yourself

michael said...

dude. whatever. you have totally seen me huniliate myself. its one more in the's like an amp that goes to 11?
remember my marriage? um tatooed wedding ring, anyone? that is hunilation