Thursday, January 3, 2008

I love music.
I am a bit of an Anglophile.
I love hip hop.
I love to dance.
combine some of those things and you'll figure out...
I love brittish hip hop.

So look to the right at the Youtube link.
It's black but I want you to click on the first link.
I click that damn thing and I can't help but dance around my apartment like an idiot for 3 minutes 54 seconds.

This may surprise some people but I become possesed from time to time and dance dance dance around my apartment. This is one of those songs that does it for me. It's quirky and catchy and geeky ......
and fucking fun to dance to.

I can't help myself, tell me if you can.

oh, and if the beat isn't enough, check out the LYRICS

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