Saturday, January 26, 2008

I bought the Saab

I got the Saab and my "friends" told me it was slightly less gay than a Miata.
Oh how wrong they are.
The Saab is a chick magnet.
You read that right.
I was driving the car today with the top down. I looked up in the rear view mirror and this woman behind me waves at me. Hello.
I wave back
She motions pull over. I'm thinking the back of my car is on fire or something. I did just buy the may have a problem with flames coming out of the trunk that I am not aware of yet.
So I pull over. The woman pulls into the parking lot next to me. I roll down the passenger window. She says, "Hey how are you?" almost like she knows me....but I'm pretty sure I have never seen this woman before.
"do I know you"?
"Look at you with the top down, isn't it kinda cold?"
"No, I have heated seats and the heat is I know you?"
"what are you up to tonight?"
At this point I realize
1) she's drunk.
2) I have never seen this woman in my life.
"so are you married"?
"Why yes...yes I am! Look I have my wedding ring tattooed on and everything!"
I show my lamentably tattooed on wedding ring.
"Oh cool. So what are you up to?"
I point to the pizza from Whole Foods sitting on the seat next to me, "just bringing home a the Family!"
"oh, cool I'm almost out of gas, 'wanna give me like 2 bucks for gas?"
"no. I am strictly plastic." I make a credit card swiping motion.
"oh...well you could follow me over there (she points to a nearby gas station) and pump a couple of bucks for me"
At this point I figure why not have a little fun here,
"Did you wave me over to try to pick me up or to get gas money?"
"What! Naw I'm just kiddin'...have a good night"

I didn't actually peel out...but I have to admit I exceeded the speed limit all the way home.

For the first time in ....about 3,650 days? (that's 10 years) I am finally glad I have this stupid wedding ring tattooed on my finger.
Also? My friend Cindy pointed out that the car may not actually be a "chick" magnet...but rather a "hick" magnet...

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