Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I think I am going to be a Fox analyst

I watch the news in the morning. Actually the news is almost always on but in the morning that's the Only thing I watch.
I happened to land on Fox Noise and they were discussing the fact that Hillary is going to try to:
1) woo delegates that Obama has legitimately won.
2) try to have the delegates in Florida counted even though they were off the table from the start because Florida moved the date of it's primary up at the objection of the DNC.

I am very torn by this because, while I have sorely missed the kick ass and take names style of politics that the Clinton Machine is so good at, I hate to see it used against another Dem. Especially Barack Obama, who I happen to have called as the Golden Boy of the New Democratic party back when he gave that speech at the last Democratic National Convention. Yes I called it. I told anyone who would listen that he was going to be the next big thing.
I hate to sound like I'm blowing my own horn but as someone with SO many opinions it's nice to finally be definitively right.
This "expert" is on Fox and the first thing he says about this whole delegate thievery thing is:
"Politics ain't bean bags and unfortunately for Obama, Hillary's bag is filled with jumping beans"

Wait, what?
First, it's a mixed metaphor.
Second, it makes no fucking sense.
Third isn't "jumping beans " racist?
If anybodies "bean bag" could be said to be filled with "jumping beans" it would have to be Obama's for that metaphor to make any sense. As in: Obama needs to be concerned about his beans "jumping" into Hillary's bean bag.
But I go back to the fact that the metaphor makes no goddamn sense!
The delegates are jumping beans inside of a bean bag? What?

I think I will send Fox Noise a tape of that guy and then a tape of me explaining how stupid that is and then ask them to hire me the next time they need a talking head because I am pretty sure several Americans had their head explode today when they heard that and Fox probably doesn't want to be accountable for that kind of collateral damage.


Christina said...

Chris would declare that he called it before you. He has been on the Obama bandwagon since he ran in my current home state of IL (and won...first time I voted democrat my friend...does this mean that Obama made me democrat...ponderable).

michael said...

Hey, do you remember when he was running in your state and I called you and asked if you were going to vote for him? And you were all like "hmm...i don't know about voting for a democrat.."
I think if there is one person to point the finger at your conversion it would have to be G.W.

Anonymous said...

I never said that I called it, I said that Chris called it. He was a democrat when I married him and is still one