I was watching a movie tonight and there was a line in the movie that made me laugh...not because it was funny in the slightest but because it made me think of something funny that happened to me in the exact same situation.
The scene is thus: a man and wife are going to bed, their toddler son is crashed out in the middle of the bed. The man tries to move him, the wife objects "he's sleeping so soundly"...he says, "I'm sick of waking up with his foot in my face"
I laughed out loud because if that had been the script of my life?
More than once when Hopper was sleeping in our bed did he manage to, in his fitful sleep, jam a toe in my ass.
Do you know what it's like to have a little tiny person shoot his leg out and with great force put his big toe between your buttcheeks?
I do...and you know what?
It's not as cool as it sounds.
And then, when you exclaim( as rightly you should)
"Hey! Shit!"
in the middle of the night and you wake up your whole family? Well, you get scolded. Like you're the one violating people in their sleep.
And, did this ever happen to my ex?
no. And the ironic thing is, his mother used to kick me in her sleep...so I guess having your leg randomly shoot out in your sleep is genetic.
But why was I always getting kicked or poked or prodded? Because all living creatures who have ever lived with me...well except for the turtles I had as a kid...
they have all cuddled up to me in the middle of the night. Not because I'm lovable.
I am a fantastic source of heat.
Sleeping with me is like sleeping with a large, warm, living rock in your bed.
So, the cats, the Black Lab, Turbo, his mom...they all have felt the need to flop all over me...sometimes all of them at the same time. So when it comes time to kick someone (Kristen) or toe fuck someone (turbo) in their sleep, it's me
Then everybody goes back to sleep, except for me, because I am haunted by the sense memory of a toddler toe up my butt.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Kiss me first buddy
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Space food sticks Vs. The Big Texas
not because it was bad for us, they didn't think twice about that.
(ok, I do give in more now that he is a teenager and has the metabolism of a triathelete.)
Can I give you a perfect example of my uncontaineable nature?
(Christina and I have a running joke that my motto is "I'M MICHAEL I DO WHAT I WANT!")
When I was...I'm guessing here but I would say 4 or 5? My dad had a Corvette. I want to say it was a '59. I loved that car.
He loved it too of course.
He washed it, waxed it, the whole nine yards. Then he went in the house.
A few minutes later he realizes he can hear the water running. He thinks, "shit, I left the hose on"
He comes outside to find me, no shirt on, whipping the hose above my head like a fucking madman, water going everywhere...including inside his 1959 convertible Corvette.
He goes over and turns off the hose.
I look down the barrel of the hose like "what the hell, where did my water go?"
He walks over, "what the hell do you think you are doing?!"
Me, "playing in the water"
Dad, "well you're getting that shit in my car, knock it off! If I catch you doing that again I'm gonna beat your butt."
He always said that but never did it.
(except the time I gave Jason a bloody nose. But that's another Oprah.)
He goes back in the house.
He gets halfway to his chair and hears the water come on.
He comes outside to find me, no shirt on, whipping the hose above my head like a fucking madman, water going everywhere...including inside his 1959 convertible Corvette.
He goes over and turns off the hose.
I look down the barrel of the hose like "what the hell, where did my water go?"
He walks over, "what the hell do you think you are doing?!"
Me, "playing in the water"
Dad, "Didn't I tell you if I catch you playing in the water again I'm gonna beat your butt?!"
Me, "yeah...but I didn't think you'd catch me."
And yet I lived.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills
If that doesn't sound like a long time stop and just stare at this line for five minutes.
I always felt kind of guilty...but looking back? He probably has fond memories of us running around those mornings me yelling at him good naturedly to get his ass in gear and him eating the Big Texas on the way to school.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I am not about to Kick off a nature Vs. nuture debate
I have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor. I believe I was born with it and then I have honed and refined it over the years.
I look to this story as proof that I was born with it.
My Aunt Sissy ( whose name is actually Claudia, which my sister and I didn't know for quite a long time and were completely shocked when we were told that we were going to Aunt Claudia's. "What?! We don't have an Aunt Claudia!")
She had a husband, Rob. Uncle Rob was stupid. One time he bought a gold colored Plymouth Duster. He excitedly showed my dad his cool new car. Then when we went back to visit a few weeks later? He excitedly asked to show my dad his new gold Plymouth Duster. After several minutes of arguing that he had already seen the car, my dad went out to see the car ...there sat another gold Plymouth duster...this one with the super sporty white vinyl hard top.
So clearly Rob was stupid.
Anyway, I was 5 years old and we were getting ready to go over to Aunt Sissy's house and my dad sat me down and had a talk with me.
"Don't make fun of your Uncle Rob, it just upsets your Aunt Claudia."
"ok, I'll try Dad."
"I'm serious, if you make any jokes at Uncle Rob's expense I'll beat your butt." He would always say that "I'll beat your butt" but it never happened.
"Ok Dad, I'll try to not make fun of him."
So we go over to Aunt Sissy's and Rob starts in on my dad right away:
-Hey Rex have you heard any good jokes lately, do you know any jokes ...
-No Rob I haven't heard any good jokes, no I don't know any jokes...
then Rob say the immortal setup line:
" Come on, don't you know any good Pollack jokes?"
And I Say:
"No Rob, You're the Only Good Pollack Joke We Know"
Brutal. You just got dropped by a 5 year old.
Like a sniper, one shot one kill.
I have thought about it and 33 years later I can't think of a funnier retort to "don't you know any good pollack jokes?"
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I don't remember this but I'm going to tell you anyway
Do you ever tell a story about yourself but it's not one you actually remember? It's a story that someone (in my case it's always my dad) tells about you when you were little.
One of the things I find interesting about these stories is that it kind of shapes how you think of yourself as a child. Obviously you know what you were like at 10 years old...but what were you like at 5?
How do you know, other than from what somebody else has told you about yourself, what you were like at those early ages?
Judging from the stories I have heard about myself I was an ornery little cuss who kind of got a long leash to speak my mind and do my thing. I think part of why my sister is having the issues she is having with her oldest is that he is a lot like me and they don't give him that freedom to be the little maniac he wants to be.
And I support that %100.
That's why we had so many issues when I hit 13 and all of a sudden they tried to enforce...lets say a bed time?
I am sure I would be a much more focused successful person if when I was a child they had tried to point me in the right direction and hold tighter reins on me instead of letting me be a free range child.
I'm not complaining about my childhood. That would be so boring considering how relatively spoiled I was.
But that's not what I want to talk about.
My dad and I were in Zody's
( now we are getting deep with the old school So-Cal shit. Zody's was like Kmart...but not as cool. Think Wal mart Vs. Target...but down an entire notch in the food chain. We had one right by our house and I remember as an older kid being terrified every time we went in there that another kid from school would see me there)
I was about 4 and I had on my usual summertime attire: shorts, cowboy boots, no shirt, two six shooter cap guns on my belt.
About the no shirt thing.
I know they would have loved for me to be wearing a shirt in the store but frankly my dad was lucky I was wearing pants. My whole life I have always been hot. I can remember being yelled at all the time,
"put your shirt on!"
" but I'm hot!"
I bet I was 7 years old with high blood pressure.
The other thing about me being shirtless all the time?
I swam nearly every day of my young life. I was on a swim team from the time I was 5. I would climb anything. I would climb up into the top of a door frame and wedge myself there and just hang out and scare the crap out of people as they walked into a room. I had as a little kid a classic V shape muscle-man kind of body. That's creepy on a little kid.
There I am in my usual get up. Up to me walks a very large woman. She looks down at me and says "aren't you the cutest thing I've ever seen?"
I look up at this mountain of a woman and say " and aren't you the fattest thing I've ever seen?"
My dad says sharply " Michael!"
I say "what! Look at her she's huge!"
I have said it before and I will say it again, Nothing will embarrass you in the store faster than your own kid.
(Christina? "My daddy has 2 balls" Hmm?)
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Stop me if you've heard this one before
I have this fear that I will think of a funny story and write about it and then someone will point out that I have written about it before.
This is not an unfounded fear.
I got my ability for story telling from my father. If you spend any amount of time with him you will inevitably hear a story for a 2ND...or 32ND time. I think part of why my dad has been so accepting of my brother in law is that he views him as a fresh audience. Chris has not heard the story of Chrissy yelling "I think I'm going to throw up!" in the restaurant a dozen times....well maybe he has by now but you get my point.
I have to say in all honesty it doesn't bother me too much because they are usually funny. I liken it to coming across an old Seinfeld re-run on TV. You know all the punchlines but you can still appreciate the quality of the humor even if the punchlines aren't fresh.
My stepmother on the other hand is driven to distraction by this.
They actually have a routine: he will start to tell a story and she will interrupt and say you've already told him this one...and then he proceeds to tell the story.
I don't know what the solution is...I have a great ability to find the humor in a situation and I am observant and consequently I have a lot of funny stories...but I don't want to bore people writing the same stories over and over...of course that presumes that anybody would keep reading my blog frequently enough or long enough for them to actually catch me repeating myself...you know what? It may not be a problem after all.
Christina? Just please just send me an email if it happens, don't embarrass me in the comments section, OK?
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What will your legacy be?
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A funny thing happened on the way to my sisters blog
I have some blogs that I check daily and some that I only look in on occasionally.
I recently had a weird experience when I went to my sisters blog. I read it, I made a comment and then I went back to my home page and clicked on a link to another blog I read less frequently. There was my sisters blog again but this time she was talking about Obama and driving from Seattle to St. Paul recently ...what the hell? She hasn't driven to St. Paul....and why would she start off in Seattle?
Then I realized that the blog on my list directly below my sisters is using the same template and color scheme as my sister.
Ok, not earth shattering , there's a rip in the space/time continuum kind of weird...but odd nonetheless.
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Monday, February 25, 2008
I think the problem is that my mind is always on, always turned up to 11 . So I tend to be forgetful or absentminded. I go to the supermarket to buy toilette paper and I get distracted because the cilantro is particularly fresh today and then I build a whole menu around cilantro and I make 3 trips back and forth across the supermarket because I forgot garlic and then I remember that I don't have any chicken stock...then I am out in the parking lot going "oh shit, I need toilet paper"
So the other day I left the house and did my usual back and forth in the supermarket (oh and making lists doesn't help because I just forget that I have a list) and when I come home right as I walk in the door a madman cackles at me and I jump about a foot in the air.
I had left the TV on. It was Miracle Max from the Princess Bride.
Damn you Billy Crystal!
A few weeks ago I had to go to the DMV to register a car.
I was running late and I couldn't find the damned title (I couldn't remember the "safe" place I had hidden it) so I kind of ransacked my apartment looking for it.
I go to the DMV, I go to work, and 14 hours later I come home to find?
I have been robbed!
Oh wait...no... I was looking for my title this morning...
About a month ago I jump into the Miata and I toss my book on the floor of the car. I get the MP3 player going , I turn the heat on, I glance up into the mirror and there is AndrewVachss looming in the mirror.

I jump. What the hell is Andrew Vachss doing in my back seat?!
In the next instant I realize that in fact it's just a reflection of the back of the book on the windshield that happens to show up right below the mirror.
This is, of course, ridiculous.
Andrew Vachss would not ride in the back seat!
He would sit up front with me.
We can talk about dogs and Burke and I can mention that even though the Prof supposedly talks only in rhyme I have noticed that many times his "rhymes" don't fit the classic masculine/feminine version of rhymes and I think that most readers are not aware of the different types of rhyme and may in fact think the prof actually doesn't always speak in rhyme...
(masculine rhyme: at the end of the sentence: Spain, main, rain)
(feminine rhyme: on the penultimate syllable: stinky,pinky)
um, anyway.
Also? The Miata has no back seat. Clearly he is not going to sit on the parcel shelf.
But I jumped out of my shorts for a fraction of a second thinking Vachss was in the back seat.
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
The art of the backhanded compliment
I don't normally ask for reader responses ...mostly because I don't get many responses.
Lets be frank, I know there are people reading, but I only know one actual person who reads this...
Have you ever gotten a backhanded compliment?
I'm thinking something along the lines of:
" you don't sweat much for a fat girl"
Recently when somebody found out I was in my late thirties they said "Wow, I had you figured for hard 20's"
You see what happened there? They thought I was somebody that was 24 but looked 29. They thought I was a hard livin' rough around the edges 24 year old.
but really I'm a 38 that looks 29...it's a compliment...but not...
what do you make of that, how are you supposed to feel?
Has this ever happened to you?
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Friday, February 22, 2008
Craigslist Mumbai India
Just now, out of boredom, I went to Craigslist Mumbai.
I found a listing for a car called the Tata Indica.
There is no picture..but I googled it ...it's just a little 4 door hatch back econobox...but that's just about perfect.
How awesome would that be as a first car for a young guy headed off to college?
In case it hasn't occurred to you yet:
Tata= slang word for tit ( which is a slang word for boob) (which is a slang word for chi-chi ) (which...well you get the point)
Indica= weed
So would you say the perfect college guy car would be a cheap hatchback named the Boobie Greenbud, the Titty Sticky-icky, or maybe the Chi-chis Mota?
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When did Cosmopolitan turn into a dirty rag?
I can't say that I have ever really "read " the thing...I've glanced at it in the past but it's been a long time I guess.
I was at the supermarket and I happened to glance over and the title of one of the articles was:
That's pretty messed up right there.
Then below that:
Come on now.
I don't mean to sound like a prude but I really don't think that is appropriate for the supermarket.
Turbo is a 12 year old boy and that is exactly the kind of stuff that he finds hilarious. I really don't want to have that added to his vocabulary.
I know for a fact he would make every attempt to make "va-jay-jay" the punchline of numerous jokes.
Plus I have a problem with the very premise of the article.
New and interesting facts?
Oh really?
Did they re-invent the vagina since the last time I saw one in person?
Admittedly it has been a bit of a dry spell lately....not a million years mind you ...hey, how long do you think it would take for the vagina to evolve anyway?
Ok, that's not the point.
The point is, I'm pretty damn sure there are no new and interesting facts about that part of the body.
Most doctors/researchers are men. So if I had to rank areas of the body that I think have been pretty thoroughly investigated the vagina would have to be pretty high on the list.
And really? If there was groundbreaking news about the vagina? Would it really be in Cosmo under the title of YOUR VA-JAY-JAY?
Oh, hell no.
You know what? I'm going to have to call bullshit on this one.
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the thing about having a dead phone...
I haven't had a functioning phone for about 2 weeks now.
I feel like I'm on a desert island with no way to communicate with the outside world. It's lonely and scary let me tell you.
The only way I have to communicate with anyone is email. Which is kind of like throwing a message in a bottle and waiting to hear back from someone...only a little more accurate....so maybe it's like throwing the bottle directly at them, but still.
Oh...and instant messaging....and I can send text messages from my laptop...but that's IT!
& I suppose there's always webcams..but nobody I know is on webcams....
So, complete isolation from friends and family...
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I'm not an early adopter...but I'm close
My cell phone died. Not like the time I accidentally dropped it into a glass of beer (which is actually a lot worse for a phone than you would think) But my phone started dropping calls and then it started doing this thing where it turns itself off for no reason and then it started flashing...and not in the good way.
So I went to the Sprint store and they professionally confirmed my amature diagnosis: my Phone is Phucked.
So my gay-girly cell phone is being replaced with the newest latest version of my phone which coincidentally matches my new laptop. They are both wrapped in a glossy black case. Now I look like ' that guy'. The guy who has a matching cell phone-laptop combo. Like I planned that?
Whatever, at least I don't have a girl phone anymore. You have to understand, I have never seen a man carrying the same phone as me. I have met several women....actually, girls, that said "hey we have the same phone!"
The thing is, this is my 3rd new phone in a year.
3 phones ago I was one of those people who didn't know shit about phones and didn't care. Now I say things like "oh you have the A900...have they fixed the software expansion issues?"
I am not quite a phone geek but I know my shit a little more now.
Ok, so the point of the first replacement phone was that I wanted a phone that played mp3s.
So I got that. Loved that phone.
Then it broke.
They don't sell that phone anymore.
I got the girly phone (it's white...it has removable face plates...green, pink, blue?)
Then it broke.
They don't sell that phone anymore.
Now I am getting a new phone.
It's shiny and black.
But really? Why the hell have I gone through 3 phones in a year?
And? Why have they stopped selling 2 of the phones I have gotten in a year?
Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture?
The funny thing is it makes me look like an early adopter, switching phones every 4 months or so...
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Not earth shattering...Simple yet deep
This just occurred to me...
The United States has at least one person from every nation on earth living within it's boundaries.
Think about it...we must have at least one person from every country here....can any other country claim that?
I'm not sure what all it means but it's an interesting thought...
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I have a hard time relaxing, but the other day I managed to do it for an hour or so.
I went to Whole Foods (one of my happy places) to have lunch. I have not had much luck lately having lunch there but this time was different.
I had garlic mashed potatoes and chicken cacciatore.
To drink I had 2 shots of espresso, iced with hazelnut syrup. This is a drink that does not allow one to hide bad coffee.
My sister recently wrote a mini-manifesto in defence of Starbucks. Her thesis was that you can go to Starbucks and be assured that no matter where in the world you are you will get a decent cup. I concur...with a caveat.
If you can find a good local haunt that will do you right? Go there instead.
Whole Foods serves up a good cup of espresso. I have a hard earned opinion on these matters. For a few years in college I was a baristo in Portland OR.
You think Seattle knows coffee? PDX thinks Seattle is a punk.
I know my espresso.
So, I drank my coffee, ate my chicken and just .....was.
I think part of this letting go was possible because I did not have my cell phone on me.
More about that next post.
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I think I am going to be a Fox analyst
I watch the news in the morning. Actually the news is almost always on but in the morning that's the Only thing I watch.
I happened to land on Fox Noise and they were discussing the fact that Hillary is going to try to:
1) woo delegates that Obama has legitimately won.
2) try to have the delegates in Florida counted even though they were off the table from the start because Florida moved the date of it's primary up at the objection of the DNC.
I am very torn by this because, while I have sorely missed the kick ass and take names style of politics that the Clinton Machine is so good at, I hate to see it used against another Dem. Especially Barack Obama, who I happen to have called as the Golden Boy of the New Democratic party back when he gave that speech at the last Democratic National Convention. Yes I called it. I told anyone who would listen that he was going to be the next big thing.
I hate to sound like I'm blowing my own horn but as someone with SO many opinions it's nice to finally be definitively right.
This "expert" is on Fox and the first thing he says about this whole delegate thievery thing is:
"Politics ain't bean bags and unfortunately for Obama, Hillary's bag is filled with jumping beans"
Wait, what?
First, it's a mixed metaphor.
Second, it makes no fucking sense.
Third isn't "jumping beans " racist?
If anybodies "bean bag" could be said to be filled with "jumping beans" it would have to be Obama's for that metaphor to make any sense. As in: Obama needs to be concerned about his beans "jumping" into Hillary's bean bag.
But I go back to the fact that the metaphor makes no goddamn sense!
The delegates are jumping beans inside of a bean bag? What?
I think I will send Fox Noise a tape of that guy and then a tape of me explaining how stupid that is and then ask them to hire me the next time they need a talking head because I am pretty sure several Americans had their head explode today when they heard that and Fox probably doesn't want to be accountable for that kind of collateral damage.
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Friday, February 15, 2008
I got done with a good deed!
I left my wallet at home which wouldn't have been all that big of a deal if it weren't for the fact that the Saab is running on fumes.
I had a very bad feeling that I wouldn't make it home so I dug around in my back pack and managed to find $1.30.
So I stopped at a gas station and walked in and said, "I know this is pathetic, but I left my wallet at home and I'm running on fumes ...so, $1.30 on five please."
The guy looked me up and down, saw a clean-cut white guy in a Ralph Lauren shirt and tie and figure I was a good risk for a microloan.
So he told me he was going to pump an extra $5 and I could just bring the $5 back tomorrow.
I went to the store (after going home to get the wallet, duh)
and there they were...girl scouts.
I don't buy the cookies.
I feel guilty about it, not helping out those sweet little girls and all....but I really don't need to be eating a box of cookies.
I never order desert, I rarely buy sweets...sometimes I will go nuts and get some sorbet at the store...
I was thinking about it and I decided, if I were to get rich somehow, I would buy Girl scout cookies every time I was asked. Then I decided I would also give change to every person that asked me.
Then I thought about having all those boxes of cookies....I don't need all those cookies. I mean sure, if I'm that rich I will have a personal trainer...
Then I had another idea.
I will give the cookies to the guys asking for change! Which would you rather have, .87 or a box of Thin Mints?
That's a no-brain-er.
So, my philantrophy master plan is really coming together...I've got that going for me.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hack Blogger Alert!!
I don't normally go to blogs written by talking heads such as Bill O'Reily or Tucker Carlson. For the most part they are boring and not very well written.
I happened to tune into the last 5 minutes of Greta Van Susteren on Fox Noise. She was plugging her blog and going on about what a wacky unexpected adventure it is to go there and how you can "expect the unexpected."
I know you are going to be shocked when I say this....But I was a little skeptical.
So I went to her blog.
Oh wow.
I underestimated how badly these things can go.
First, do not go there. If you go there you will blame me for your IQ dropping a few points. I bear no responsibility.
Ok I think I will begin with the punctuation. It appears as if Fox gets it's exclamation points and question marks in bulk at Costco and then tells their employees to use them as freely as they see fit.
So you get treated to sentences like this!!! Would that get on your nerves?? I know the 5 minutes I SPENT there were unpleasant for me!! Oh, I forgot to mention, SHE also utilizes random all caps for no clear REASON!!!
I know I use my own sort of stylized syntax and manner of formatting my blog so technically I can't really talk about others choices because my blog is written in a non-standard fashion as well.
I try to write things in my own voice ....and then I go back and delete %60 of the F-Bombs.
But this woman just flat out sucks. If you didn't know better you would think this is the blog of a 14 year old girl with an interest in news. Don't believe me?
Read this.
Seriously? These are the musings of a national newscaster?
The articles or essays...most of the actual writing comes from the AP or other sources so I decided to dig around to find some writing by Greta herself....I won't put you through the whole piece...but here's an excerpt. She's talking about McGovern V. Nixon back in 1972. Her point ( I think) was that Mcgoverns running mate gave a speech at her college and whipped the crowd into a frenzy.Tell me what you think:
The result? Yes….President Nixon clobbered Senator McGovern in the general election
Why? positioning yourself as an extremes can be great for primaries…it is appealing to “the base” who you need to nominate you…but when push comes to shove, when the general election happens, the moderates have a great voice. If the Democrats want to win, they have to keep their eyes on the moderates no matter who their candidate it….likewise, the Republicans need to keep their eyes on the moderates.
WTF? Typos, tortured syntax, fuzzy/faulty logic...
If nothing else, this makes me feel better about my little blog. I think for the most part you know what the hell I'm talking about and sometimes I may say it in a stylish, funny way.
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Sunday, February 10, 2008
I will sacrifice the flow of the conversation for a funny joke.
I was talking to my friend Cindy the other day.
She works for the unemployment department. She was talking about one of her co-workers and she said he works primarily with migrant farm workers.
I said "but not fragrant mineworkers?"
yes it did slow down the conversation...but man I crack myself up sometimes...
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Saturday, February 9, 2008
I like the Internet but it is has some strange and terrible corners.
I came across tonight a video of an autopsy. And not this HBO-sanitized autopsy BS it was a training video.
I wasn't looking for it...but ....
OK, I started out on BoingBoing. There I came across a youtube video called La Pequeña Prohibida. The very fact that the video was there is odd because it's not usually the kind of thing they post, but anyway.
If you don't want to follow the link I'll just tell you it's a transvestite midget dancing to bad electronic music.
What I find personally interesting and odd is that I don't find this video all that interesting or odd. It's a cross dressing midget dancing around.
So what?
Am I weird for not finding that weird?
Anyway. From the readers comments I followed a link to a video of two Arabic guys who are either amputees or were born with no legs (Or a combination of the 2 I suppose) and these guys were dancing around to Arabic sounding music.
The cool thing about this video is that the 2 little guys are jumping and cartwheeling around the stage and the looks on their faces are like "oh yeah, I am that good".
And from there I got the link to the autopsy.
How did I run aground like this??
really... you can watch an actual woman...tan-lines and all...be given a Y incision...
I mean, the tag said it was an autopsy, but nothing can really prepare you for seeing that kind of thing.
This is why I am resisting getting Turbo a laptop. That's what he wanted for Christmas. You can get one for less than $500.... but how do you balance being a good parent that wants to give a kid enough leeway to grow and become the best version of themselves with keeping them from seeing stuff that you think will be harmful to them?
Internet filters? Blogger please! I guarantee he could figure out how to disable or get around any filter faster than I could install it. The funny thing is I am more worried about him finding the really horrible shit by accident versus him looking for weird stuff.
He is a 12 year old boy. At some point he is going to try (and succeed) to look at some boobies.
I accept that, but I just don't want the women that have those boobies to also be wearing a diaper or a horsey-tail butt plug. (although maybe that's what will prepare him for high school...perhaps I'm being old fashioned)
I don't have the answer to this problem other than direct parental supervision. Which is kind of hard to do if he's taking a lap top to school, no?
No laptop for you!
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Talking about Vacuums And Dragons got me thinking about a prank I played on a guy I worked with.
The guy was a bit of a moron.
We were in training together, studying for our series 6 and 63 licenses. (This was when I worked for Chase.) That means we were stuck in a room together for about 6 weeks.
He is going on and on about how he wants a Kirby vacuum because this guy came out to the house and this thing is like a regular vacuum on steroids ...
(regular readers? You see what I did there? With the "on steroids" thing?)
He figures out he can buy a Kirby on eBay for about 1/2 the price. The thing about the Kirby vacuums is you can't just pick up the bags from Target, you have to get them from Kirby.
Ok. Game on.
I call him and put on my best Bill Lumbergh voice.
(Office space? Anybody?)
Me: Ummm yeah, may I speak to Jason?
Jason: This is Jason.
M: Hi Jason, I am Mr. Danson from the Kirby company. It has come to our attention that you recently purchased a Blackmarket Kirby vacuum?
J: Well, I wouldn't call it blackmarket...
M:Umm yeah, did you purchase the vacuum from an authorized Kirby distributor?
J: no...but I mean, if somebody doesn't want their vacuum anymore it's their right to sell it...
M: first it's inconceivable that someone wouldn't want their Kirby anymore...it's more likely that someone has come upon hard times and finds themselves in the position of needing to sell a valued asset. And you were there to take advantage of that.
J: hang on! I didn't take advantage of anyone!
M: ummm yeah, calm down sir. It's not really the concern of the Kirby Corporation if you purchased a vacuum valued at $1,800 for only $900. We are simply calling about the simple process of registering your Kirby.
J: registering ?....wait, how do you know how much I paid for the vacuum?
M: ummm, you mean the Kirby vacuum?
J: yeah, how do you know how much I paid?
(Ok clearly he wasn't totally dumb)
M: Yeah, we have very sophisticated tracking software that pulls data from the Internet regarding all Kirby sales, whether blackmarket or legitimate. I wouldn't expect a layman to understand sophisticated computer technology.
Hang on. I need to mention here. Jason, before he worked for Chase, sold Dell computers. He took orders over the phone. When he found out that myself and another former car salesman were getting the maximum starting salary and he was getting significantly less, he was offended. That offense was deepened when the other former salesman told him that selling cars was "hard sales" and selling a Dell to someone who called in to buy a Dell was "order taking". He tried to say that there was up-selling involved. To which I replied up selling and closing are 2 totally different things. Then he tried to make himself feel better by pointing out he knows more about computers than me. I replied I know more about selling than him.
J:I understand computer technology just fine!
M: umm, sir? You are getting unnecessarily upset here.
The Kirby Corporation no longer brings suit against blackmarket profiteers who take advantage of legitimate Kirby owners. I am simply calling to give you the opportunity to register your Kirby.
(I think he decided to ignore that last bit just to get me off the phone)
J: You said something about that earlier. Why do I need to register?
M: simply put registration allows you to purchase Kirby replacement bags through legitimate channels instead of buying your bags on the black market.
J: how much is it?
M:If you purchase it today ...gimme a sec here...(I tap on a noisy calculator I have handy)
ummm yeah, without taxes...$799.00.
(I can see him across the lobby gasping like a fish)
J: that's ridiculous!
M: I know! It's absurd how cheap it is to actually own a Kirby when you consider what a fine product it is!
J: I'm not paying that!
M: Umm yeah, I don't feel comfortable letting you make that kind of big decision in your current state of mind. Please consult with you spouse or domestic partner and I will call you in exactly 24 hours. (click)
Post script: First. Yes I did write out some notes of things I wanted to say to mess with the kid beforehand. I had a feeling I would be able to keep him on the line a while. I wish I could claim that was all ad-libbed.
Second. I had intended that if I could get off the line with him still believing the hoax I would call him the next day. Unfortunately the second he was off the phone the rest of our team flat out lost it. They were holding their stomachs and wiping tears.
That was one of my favorite pranks I have to say.
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Yet another Self diagnosis
A few years ago I diagnosed myself as having an inflection disorder.
I sometimes will say something like " I like your shirt " and the person I am saying this to will get offended and say archly "thanks pal" assuming I was being sarcastic. But I wasn't! I meant it. Part of the problem is that sometimes my sense of humor can be so dry that people don't know when I'm kidding or not.
Then back in July I diagnosed myself as suffering from ennui. (That has since metastasized into mild depression.)
Just recently I realized that I have a rare form of dyslexia. I read proficiently and profusely. I'm fine on the reading part...
I suffer from Signlexia.
I don't know if it is technically recognized by the AMA.
Sometimes I will read a storefront sign and the letters transpose and the sign doesn't make any damn sense to me.
For example there used to be a store I passed frequently in Portland it proclaimed in large letters:
I found myself wondering if I have a used Elvis laying about because I sure could use top dollar...and then I realize the sign is offering to buy used LEVIS....
There is a store near the video store I go to that is called "
Budget Farmer.
Hmm...do they have cheap carrots I wonder?
Oh wait, Budget Framer. They frame your pictures for a reasonable price. Gotcha.
This happens to me with alarming frequency. Am I the only one suffering from this I wonder...could I be the first recorded case?
Incidentally, next door to the Budget Farmer? The liquor store proudly calls themselves:
I find it troubling. What are "head, quarters"?
And in more sign related news, there is a store right by my new office:
Excuse me? Turns out it was a vacuum sales and service center. It seems that people just don't buy $1,200 vacuums so much anymore or get the ones they have serviced. By my math you can buy a decent vacuum at Target for $120...and you can figure that vacuum will last about 10 years...so a $1,200 vacuum represents a 100 year supply of vacuuming?
So they had to expand the business.
And what would be the natural companion business for a vacuum store? I hate to sound sexist but I would imagine that the demographic for a $1,200 vacuum would be a middle class or higher stay at home moms? So, lets have some kind of mom related side business...maybe some kind of scrap-booking store?
The perfect companion business?
Apparently they have all kinds of medieval crap.
Little pewter statues and swords and shit. I haven't been in because I know I'll get a case of the giggles. But I asked around and word on the street is my hunch was right.
So if you're ever in the Springs come on down to the Budget Farmer, they're right around the corner from Vacuums And Dragons.....
Now if only we could get a store that will buy all these used Elvis I have laying about.....
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
carbon silicon
The Clash is one of my all time favorite bands.
Lets be frank, I am an alternative music junkie.
So when I recently heard a promo on NPR that they were going to interview Mick Jones and
Tony James for their new band Carbon/Silicon...my ears pricked up.
Mick Jones was The Heart of The Clash. Tony James was the bassist of Generation X.
What, you don't know Generation X? They were a "punk" band from the UK circa 1976...I never really felt like they were authentic, their music always kind of sounded forced and generic to me.They had one line of lyric that always struck me, "never sell out like they
did, they diii-iid"....
this belief was later confirmed when the lead singer Billy Idol went on to become, well....
Billy Idol.
And Tony James helped form the band Sigue Sigue Sputnik, which gave us the wonderful single "love missile f1-11"
You don't remember that one?!
Lucky you.
That boy sold the fuck out.
But what about Mick Jones?
Oh, well... after the glorious triumphs of The Clash?
He formed Big Audio Dynamite. B.A.D.
god help us all.
The Horses Are On The Track?
BOTH those boys sold out.
It makes you wonder. Sometimes an artist hits it once and then... that's it they should just hang it up.
But then again....Nirvana gave birth to Foo Fighters...so nothing is absolute...
But Carbon/Silicon is not bad. The music kind of sounds like if the guy from the Clash hooked up with the guy from Generation X and formed a band.
It's a sweet story when you consider they were best friends when they were teens and both of their first bands was together with the unfortunate name of London SS...which has Nazi connotations for most people but they meant it to mean "London Social Security"
The point is, our idols all fall, nobody stays cool forever...unless they die...
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Friday, February 1, 2008
I'm Learnding!
I stole the title of this post from Ralph Wiggum, possibly my favorite Simpsons side character.
I have been so proud of myself lately.
I managed to diagnose and fix a problem my car was having without so much as consulting the Internet for help. Yeah!
Then a couple of days ago I installed an external hard-drive. When I bought this computer I remember thinking "80 gigs? Wow I can't possibly fill up an 80 gig hard-drive!"
Then the music downloading started, then I started ripping copies of nearly every CD I could get my hands on from the library, friends, etc...and BAM! I have 1% free space.
So before Christmas I bought a 250 gig hard drive on sale...I bought it Christmas eve so it was super cheap.
Now those of you with access to a calendar might have noticed that there is more than a month between the purchase of said hard-drive and installation.
I tried installing it. It didn't work. I called the tech line. The very helpful man in India asked me all kinds of interesting questions that got exponentially more indechiperable until I was reduced to answering questions he hadn't asked.
Tech guy:"Is it a 32 bit or 64 bit?"
Me: "umm...it's facing west?"
He finally deduced that there was something wrong with Windows Installer and cheerfully informed me that he couldn't help me with Windows software. Frankly he seemed pretty freakin' happy about the fact that he couldn't help me at all.
He asked if I had any other questions.
I said, "Yes, how is the weather in India today"
"I'm afraid I'm not allowed tell you that"
"is it hot? I bet it's hot."
"Sorry sir, I am not allowed to tell you that. Is there anything else I can help you with.?"
"Nope, I just wanted to get this hard-drive installed and find out what the weather in India is like and since you can't help me with either I guess we are all done here."
So there it sat mocking me for more than a month.
Then after I fixed my car I decided I was a capable adult and I sat down and did a little research and I fixed the Windows Installer thing myself.
I Rule!
Then tonight I installed tracking software on my blog. (thanks Sara Kay whoever you are!)
So now I can track how many times a day my one reader checks my blog. Hi Christina!
Give it up for my sistah, big up, chigga what, what! (the roof has now been raised)
The thing is, doing those 2 computer related things myself in one week...I felt like one of those hackers you see in the movies.
Ok maybe not, but here's the thing, my computer skills normally rate just above one of those people who has to have their kid log onto their email for them.
Of course I still can't figure out how to put a Youtube link in the middle of a post or how to make an archive of my favorite posts off to the right there ->
but still...
I'm on a roll. I have to go now. I'm going to take apart a microwave or something.
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